08 January 2010

less is more

God is at work...and as I put off more of myself...there will more of HIM. I desire this... less of me...MORE of Him.
God is at work in my life. and I am finding it strange to follow an unknown path.
I am unsure of His plans for me... except that they will be amazing.
I am unsure of myself and only sure of what I am in Christ. my only Constant.
I am unsure of any plans I could have ever made and am trying to rest assured that God knows the plan and even though I don't... goodness will be completed as God desires the goodness to be.
'Jesus loves me... this I know... for the Bible tells me so... ' this i know...by this i live... it's all i surely have forever...
praise the Lord... 'blessed assurance, Jesus is mine'.