...some of my favorite things have always been enjoying God's wonderful outdoors
simply walking in fields of long golden grass was completely beautiful to me
but then...
time sped up
days turned to hours
hours turned to minutes
minutes turned to seconds
... time passed me up and I became caught up in the tragedies and disasters of this world.
how do I have both joy for the Lord and a crying heart for this dying world?
Even some people who call themselves "Christians" do not truly love you... isn't it hard enough knowing those who openly deny You?...
the joy is found in the hope of the Lord, for salvation is being worked out this day for many new believers... there is hope for sinners (I know for I am one of them)
if there was no hope there would be no joy
but JOY is in the LORD... Savior of the Universe...KING over all creation
the Lord renews joy in the morning and shows us this day how we must seek Him and share Him
Lord...I did not look in You for joy... forgive me and teach me Your way and Your joy.
Jesus is our supreme example of Joy amidst suffering... He who taught us laughter...also taught us the greatest sacrifice. Joy will always be found in true love for God and His people and His creation.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me... cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. RESTORE UNTO ME THE JOY OF THY SALVATION" ~Song Create in me a Clean Heart