pages rip...
life turns over to the next day
candle burns out...
is there time left to tell them
where will the light come from
my heart beats once more...
what will i do with my last breath
what did i do with the millions i had before the last
what am i living for
what is my life telling people
crumbs is what is left of the last piece of bread...
who is going to feed this generation
even though God covers over our failures...
we must chose not to fail
people must know the absolute truth of Jesus Christ.
lets be going and share the Gospel as we have been given it
God has chosen His people to share His goodnews
and God's plans never fail...
so Go and be brave as you go
you will never fail with the Lord on your side
life turns over to the next day
candle burns out...
is there time left to tell them
where will the light come from
my heart beats once more...
what will i do with my last breath
what did i do with the millions i had before the last
what am i living for
what is my life telling people
crumbs is what is left of the last piece of bread...
who is going to feed this generation
even though God covers over our failures...
we must chose not to fail
people must know the absolute truth of Jesus Christ.
lets be going and share the Gospel as we have been given it
God has chosen His people to share His goodnews
and God's plans never fail...
so Go and be brave as you go
you will never fail with the Lord on your side