20 December 2008

A Beggars Prayer

I am not good at living to please You... yet I yearn to live a life worthy of You.
It is not right to just remove ourselves from this world... we must be in it in order to make a difference... yet, sometimes the evil and sin of this world is so disgusting that I yearn to run from it all. It is good to run from our own sin and evil that tempts us, yet we must remain in this world to serve God by serving others. Help me then, to always love. To always be giving and serving. Lord give me wisdom to listen with compassion and speak the truth with grace.

O Lord, guard my heart from judging and lead me in good understanding of Your good and perfect ways... teach me to be like You, no matter what it takes.

Lord I pray for a heart of mercy. A servant spirit. And Zeal for the Lord.

You are the Truth. The Life. And the Way.

Take me ever further up and further in... always loving you and never turning back.

In Jesus Blessed Name,

02 December 2008

A life Passion, Mission and Vision


I ask You for a Life Passion...with You at the center and goal...
dear Lord I desire to make You known to the world!


I pray for a Life Mission...to serve You better with...
dear Lord... I want to share Your Love with the World!


I pray for a Life Vision... to bring your Love...
Oh Lord... by using the many gifts and interests and joys You have blessed me with please help me to use them for the encouragement of the 'body'. Help me to teach others Your Love and grace and mercy... Use me to help them find the gifts You have given them and teach them to find resources in their own town to use their gifts with that they may become self-sustaining.
Pour out from me a light... pointing to Your hope for all Your people

O Lord...
Use me...
Send me...
Help me serve Your people.
Help me to be Your salt, light, and yeast.

In Jesus Name,

If you have never thought of or prayed for a life passion, mission and vision... I encourage you to seek the Lord for it... and to be open to it being changed throughout your life... for the glory of God!